Rest and recover so you can tend and befriend: A 30 MINUTE YOGA NIDRA FOR DEEP REST

Lesson Description

I have been researching health worker resilience and developing training for a few years now. If you're on the frontline, working with suffering people it is going to be stressful. The challenge for all of us is how to get rest and recovery.

Instructor: Professor David Peters

Formerly a family doctor I now work as a musculoskeletal physician using osteopathy, acupuncture and body-oriented psychotherapy. I co-founded Westminster Centre for Resilience and have led on a series of R&D projects bringing non-pharmaceutical treatments (including osteopathy and acupuncture) into the NHS.

In the 2014 Research Excellence Framework I was awarded a 4 star rating for my impact in this field of work.

My current research focuses on doctors’ wellbeing and nature connectedness. I am Editor in Chief of the Journal of Holistic Healthcare.
